Our partnership - A clarification


Now we live since 25 years together - The registration of a civil partnership for us is not only a necessity for mutual protection, but also something very private - something that only affects us together!


Both of us agree that we will celebrate the entry of our partnership only in the inner circle of our family. After the actual administrative - more, it is not for us - we will go comfortably in a nice restaurant with our family - no more and no less.


A procedure and celebrations, as they are often held in "normal" marriages, that’s nothing for us! The question often asked: "Who is the bride?" The disgusts us already! Because who asks this question has not understood anything about us! A distribution ofrolesdoes not exist forus- we are happy as we are - together, responsible male sex partners.


Our day is special and hence something very private for us - therefore we ask you and all our friends to accept that we have reserved this day for us and our closest relatives. If you still want to take part, you can do it in form on making a donation!


For understanding this we thank you in advance!



What was my motivation to create this website?

Quite simple - the utterance of Katherina Reiche from the German party CDU, in one of the last Shows with the German wellknown Anchorman Guenther Jauch, as she said that homosexuals are a part of the "Rechtsrandgebiet" (like a boarder area), just like all other minorities! For me it was a discrimination to all minorities - and that's why I had created this website "Rechtsrandgebiet" in order to show my protest on her Facebook profile. I herewith definitely declare that I will use with my Nick "Rechtsrandgebiet" in no way the "right wing" Bohnsdorfs politics - no more and no less!

I hereby reiterate here is that my nickname "Rechtsrandgebiet" has nothing to do with my political views, but rather by arguing the woman Katherina Reiche, the homosexuals with this term as “despicable minorities "who have no right to expect! The election this year in Germany will be very exciting. I will go with a  pink triangle to this election to show my protest as discriminated minority!

Currently here my video on how it is obvious to Ms. Reiche looks at home.

So - and who has not yet understood my personal meaning to my nick "Rechtsrandgebiet" at all, I recommend -> "If you have no idea - just shut up your mouth"!
